The answer may be less clear, but it offers a revealing glimpse into the complex interplay of concerns that make up Indian national politics today.
But the most revealing glimpse of his political predicament came when he was asked why he should be re-elected.
The Shadow's heart thudded as he caught a revealing glimpse of the man's ugly face.
The stalemate provides a revealing glimpse of the environment in Washington.
It has offered a revealing glimpse into the current state of DaimlerChrysler - not to mention the worldwide car industry.
Rehearsals also offered revealing glimpses into the heart of the Dunham technique.
He had caught a revealing glimpse of a pale, ratty face, twisted with triumph.
But when he applied an eye to the old-fashioned keyhole, he caught a revealing glimpse of a man.
He had caught a revealing glimpse of The Shadow's momentarily averted face.
For the next few weeks, visitors to the Museum of Fine Arts can get a revealing glimpse into a 600-year-old work in progress.