There's a revealing passage in Richard Meier's new book about designing the Getty Center.
Mr. Burton had announced last week that he would make the notes public, highlighting some revealing passages.
The most revealing passage in his parting memo listing possible options for the war was his suggestion that public expectations for success be downsized so we would "therefore not 'lose.' "
In a revealing passage in her book about her mentor, she described a camping trip that the two of them took up to Maine and Canada in the summer of 1924.
In one particularly revealing passage, Liddington unveiled his organisation's five-year business plan.
In one of his book's most revealing passages, he describes how a Washington lobbyist argued that environmentalists and other reformers waste energy attacking the White House oversight machinery.
In a revealing passage, Cast ells (1977) dismisses any role for historical actors in favour of'support agents expressing particular combinations of the social structure through their practice'.
It is a revealing passage.
There is a highly revealing passage on this point in the work programme for the year 2000 attached to the strategic guidelines.
A very revealing passage is found in Josephus' Jewish Antiquities 20.186, where the weapons used by the sicarii are described: