But Kathy's revelation appeared to reforge a bond among them.
The revelations will appear in a forthcoming biography of the writer, who died in 1993 at the age of 81.
Her pastor was standing behind her, and a revelation appeared to be in the offing.
Sunday's revelations about the shadow chancellor's funding of his office might appear to lend weight to that argument.
Unprepared, unmotivated conversions or revelations cannot appear as plot devices.
Yesterday's revelation appeared to shock the board officials, who said they had no idea that they risked losing the state aid.
Francis' revelations appeared in the Burlington Magazine in 1994.
This revelation appeared to make serotyping based matching strategies problematic if many such differences existed.
The latest revelations appeared to deepen the political crisis that faces the Government and fueled speculation that Mr. Samper might be the next to resign.
The revelations appear to have provoked bloodshed.