Michael Gove, the education secretary, said the revelations "confirm that the current system is discredited" and has ordered an inquiry by Ofqual.
Iraq's grudging revelations confirm that Saddam Hussein intended to arm himself with weapons of mass destruction.
But his revelations confirmed absolutely what publishers often say: that a few big titles a year can help subsidize the rest.
The revelations about police surveillance confirmed the suspicion of opposition figures that secret monitoring by the police was continuing.
In a statement, Gove said the revelations "confirm that the current system is discredited".
Later revelations of Smith further confirmed that those other than the president of the church may hold these titles.
The revelations confirm that the current system is discredited.
Recent revelations of problem loans at some institutions, he added, "have finally confirmed that these risks are much more significant than the broader markets had anticipated."
The ultimate revelations simply confirm the audience's suspicions, instead of somehow turning them upside down.
The recent revelations by Wikileaks have confirmed that these practices have occurred and they are unacceptable.