President Roh seems to recognize that while embarrassing revelations may emerge, democracy requires letting the investigations proceed.
Some truly shocking revelation, or something that can be made to look like one, may yet emerge from all those documents.
Further damaging revelations about the stock scandal may yet emerge and could imperil the tax bill, which the upper house of the legislature must still act upon.
The revelations of nature in the poem emerge from Muldoon's head, not Frost's.
For both parties, much will ride on how women, in particular, react to whatever revelations emerge.
The issue was further raised at the Public Accounts Committee where more damaging revelations emerged.
He is mainly seen in the Pentagon but later visits the Destiny after the revelations about Telford emerge.
If new revelations emerge as the election approaches, however, that support could begin to dissolve.
That depends in part on what is now unknowable - what new revelations emerge in the trial.
However, the controversial nature of the issue in many churches has meant that such revelations normally emerge as a result of public scandal.