The shocking revelation gives her back the power of speech but still she is unable to recall her past in this birth.
These revelations and its ensuing media coverage have given rise to speculation and a number of conspiracy theories.
This revelation gave the lie to her school's insistence that "there were neither rich girls nor poor girls but one big Catholic family."
The revelation gave Mickey a second heart attack, from which he eventually recovered.
The revelation of those things gave others the opportunity to dispute their hold on the Mount Carmel property and the church's identity.
This revelation nearly gives the older man a heart attack, but even in distress Naoum is wily.
His revelations about the hold he had on James had given her more than enough.
His mother's revelations had given him that.
The revelations of Bonny Lee gave him a new perspective on himself and on the world.
So perhaps the abbot fears our revelations could give his enemies a weapon, and he wants to settle the question with great prudence.