The revelation that Unicron had been banished from his home planet indicates a different origin from ones used for previous incarnations of Unicron.
This latest revelation indicates a kind of personal relationship that might again subject a governor to the same kinds of pressures and conflicts all over again.
A revelation of coloured spots indicates the use of the dye.
Recent revelations to the investigative commission indicate that the Novelos used their clout to fasttrack the loan in one day, an action that infuriated Belizeans.
Among the substances which the revelation indicates should not be ingested, the first is "wine or strong drink", which the revelation says should not be drunk.
The revelation indicates that the originally-translated Book of Lehi had indicated that it was just an "abridgment" of the "plates of Nephi".
The revelation indicates that if wine is used for the Sacrament, it must be pure and either "of your own make" or made by other Mormons.
It is easy to argue that things have imprioved in the past 18 years; revelations from the Hackgate scandal indicate otherwise.
Recent revelations of bacterial genome structure and of bacterial behavior in communities indicate something more complex and intricate than might be simply predicted by the laws of chemistry and physics.
Ultimately, the Justice Department dropped its case against him and other defendants in early 1989, after congressional Iran-contra revelations indicated that the Reagan administration had engaged in arms-for-hostage deals with Iran.