The revelation also raises new questions about how Atlantic Bridge in the UK was being run.
The revelations raised concerns in Britain and the United States about the security of allied forces as war preparations continue.
That revelation raised more questions than it answered.
The revelation has raised questions of institutional control with some Olympic officials.
Subsequent revelations that the trial's lead researcher owned stock in Quigley raised questions of biased results.
This revelation, along with earlier leaks, once again raises a disturbing question.
Unfortunately, revelation of the immodest proposal has only raised a new set of questions about the administration's interest in doing anything at all with the island.
The revelations raise the question of whether Ms. Roche's death could have been avoided if the earlier problems had been reported.
The revelation has raised fears that the situation at the plant, where fuel in three reactors suffered meltdown, was more serious than government officials have acknowledged.