As revelations of misconduct by the Central Intelligence Agency surfaced in the 1970's, Congress passed legislation calling for written Presidential approval of covert actions in order to insure accountability.
In October 2001, revelations of sexual abuse by two male teachers at the school surfaced.
The same year, revelations about government corruption surfaced in the form of a cigarettes-smuggling scandal in April.
The revelations about Fiscus surfaced around the time of other scandals involving Air Force officers Colonel Michael D. Murphy and Brigadier General Richard S. Hassan.
On June 19, new revelations surfaced over a document that was not disclosed to Commission counsel until that week.
In 1955, revelations surfaced that McGeer's chosen police chief had instituted a pay-off system in Vancouver, resulting in an extensive police inquiry.
But at the same time, Mrs. Clinton said she has been reluctant to speak to her brother since the revelations of his role surfaced.
But then the revelations of arrogance surfaced along with a rape accusation, all before a messy split with Shaquille O'Neal.
Kushner had contributed over $40,000 to Karben's campaign, and Karben contributed $2,500 to charity after revelations about Kushner surfaced.
In a case certain to further discredit the Israeli intelligence service, revelations have surfaced that a Mossad spy master responsible for watching Syria apparently invented his reports for several years.