These can be either revenue proposals or additional spending cuts within the committee's jurisdiction.
The industry's ability to get the revenue proposal enacted into law had been viewed as a crucial test of its political strength.
He added that many of the revenue proposals included in the President's own 1988 budget plan were included in the House tax bill.
They continue to examine new revenue proposals, like a video lottery game that none of the three leaders has either rejected or claimed as his proposal.
Until then, Congress received the President's various spending and revenue proposals and acted on them individually with little regard to an overall economic plan.
He said the measures, which are the centerpieces of his revenue proposals, would encourage people to save and would promote business investment and economic growth.
The Treasury Department released its latest change in its "blue book," describing the revenue proposals in President Bush's proposed budget.
It permits the Congress to compare the President's spending or revenue proposals to other proposals using a consistent set of economic and technical assumptions.
The evenly divided Senate budget committee approved the governor's spending bill and the three remaining revenue proposals, including a corporate business tax.
In addition to increasing the gasoline tax, the only revenue proposal made public was a corporate surcharge that would add 10 percent to the tax bills of corporations.