Apple's revenue over those three months soared 63 percent, to $5.7 billion.
By the time he left in 1995, Intel's revenues had soared to $16.2 billion.
Revenues soared by 50.5 percent, to $1.07 billion, from $709.4 million.
Revenues have soared from $7.1bn (£4.6bn) in 1997 to $65.2bn a year now.
But in the past year, the station has seen revenues soar from its foreign language programs, some of which are now profitable.
Revenue in the quarter, which ended on July 28, soared 176.3 percent, to $1.72 billion, from $621.2 million a year earlier.
Its revenues soared to $6.5 billion last year from $2.6 billion in 1985.
Its revenues soared to $1.4 billion from $238.1 million.
Total revenue for trading and principal investments soared 88 percent, to $5.1 billion.
Analysts and industry executives say that within five years the industry's revenue, now $12 million, could soar to $5 billion.