Rather than a revenue windfall, Virgin is facing a shortfall, and analysts say the company could lose money this year.
Mr. James said the revenue windfall also allowed him to propose a cut in municipal water rates.
The country has not seen "fiscal space" of such magnitude since the revenue windfall experienced during the oil boom of the mid-1970s.
Abjuring a revenue windfall from Federal tax laws, the Mayor proposes a welcome $75 million reduction in income taxes.
This, he argued, would provide a revenue windfall that could be used to expand Medicaid to cover the uninsured who are poor.
Yet Mr. Dole assumes a revenue windfall from faster growth of about $150 billion.
A revenue windfall, the budget official added, would have been tantamount to a tax increase.
It hardly would seem so - front-page stories about the "revenue windfall" have become commonplace.
The plans use the revenue windfall to draw the elderly away from the Government plan by offering them additional benefits, like drug coverage and low co-payments.
Bolivia's government has had a $500 million revenue windfall after exerting more government control over the energy industry this year.