Lady Penelope's work does not specifically target a female audience and indeed reverberates well in masculine surroundings.
Regardless of the case's outcome, Mr. Ebbers's business demise continues to reverberate well beyond the courtroom.
Proposed cuts to the food-stamp program would similarly reverberate well into the future.
The crash reverberated well beyond New York.
He was a key figure in two noted criminal cases that reverberated well beyond the New Jersey state line.
The dispute over Mr. Murdoch's holdings has been intensely political, reverberating well past the commission and into the top ranks of Congress.
For that reason, Mr. Reynolds' problems may reverberate well beyond his race.
Analysts said the release would reverberate well among foreign investors.
There are also fresh signs of the eurozone crisis reverberating well beyond Europe with Japanese manufacturing production data overnight showing a worse slump than expected.
But this debate reverberates well beyond the Jefferson and Hemings descendants.