In particular, he was a revered, beloved hero to his fellow Jews.
I have ordered the ;reation of this memorial so that all ships entering and leaving our harbor ;an remember these revered heroes.
And even "The West Wing" has acknowledged that the most revered heroes are not perfect.
Yang Yuncong helps the tribal people resist the invaders and becomes a revered hero in the region.
The death of Bajor's most revered hero of the Occupation, on his watch, remained an open wound.
So in Mongolia, Genghis Khan is a revered hero.
Botsaris is among the most revered national heroes in Greece.
But in modern times, Zapata is one of the most revered national heroes of Mexico.
Today, Hidalgo is one of Mexico's most revered heroes.
In Israel, Brody is widely recognized as a revered national hero, icon, and legend.