It is not so much Davy Spillane's playing of the uillean pipes, good as it is, as his tireless experimentation that has brought him his revered status.
Spurrier's revered status at Florida is immediately apparent on two pages in the school's media notes on him.
Today, they have recaptured a revered status among conservation groups, reflecting their important ecological role as a top predator.
As for McDonald's, he said there was considerable risk in changing the recipe for its French fries, given their revered status.
But he also enjoyed a certain revered status among many of the militant Muslims and had his own band of followers and a reputation for having knowledge about weapons.
For centuries, natives had relied on hunting game there, and the swamp had gained a revered status among them.
Yet Torre retains a revered status and is seemingly a lock for the Hall of Fame as a manager.
Despite achieving a revered status among his peers and fans, there must be many more people who can't understand what the fuss is about.
The initiators did not have the revered status of the mahatmas and they were drawn mostly from Western followers.
Inside A.M.D.'s Silicon Valley headquarters, the Opteron chip has the revered status of an Olympic champion.