Players spoke in polite, reverential terms about a man most of them did not actually know very well.
But the grand old tournament - if a 14-year-old competition can be considered in such reverential terms - still had a couple of classic stagings to go.
"Master Nicholas of Guildford", who is mentioned in reverential terms within the text, is one possible candidate.
In his low voice, little more than a loud whisper, he spoke in reverential terms of "Mr. Hoover."
Zinfandels are now spoken of in the same reverential terms as the best cabernet sauvignons and pinot noirs.
Although there were hard feelings at the time, the team speaks about Simms in reverential terms.
But the academicians are spoken of in almost almost reverential terms by the Communists.
Mr. Merlo now talks about his mother, Clotilde, who died more than 20 years ago, in reverential terms.
"You spoke of him in reverential terms."
Lewis was miffed that Michael Jordan was not being talked about in reverential terms.