The charity says that the government needs to reverse cuts to housing benefit and invest urgently in new housing.
All they're saying is that they won't commit to reversing specific cuts if they win in 2015.
The general public will never grow to support a movement that frames its narrative in negative terms, with goals like stopping or reversing existing cuts.
Will the Prime Minister tell the House whether he has any intention of reversing such cuts?
Mr. Clinton sought $4.8 billion over five years to reverse cuts in food stamp benefits made by the 1996 law.
We will reverse cuts in design consultancy schemes and provide additional funding for the Design Council.
I rather agree with you about the difference between being credible on the economy and not reversing cuts.
The referendum was intended to reverse even deeper cuts which had been enacted by Measure 47 the previous November.
He believes it isn't good enough for the party leader simply to refuse to commit himself to reversing cuts.
But again, much of that would simply reverse cuts Mr. Pataki has proposed, particularly in tuition assistance to poor students.