On February 22, 2008, the NCAA reversed part of the decision and reinstated the vacated wins.
She didn't have time to reverse even part of the way up the slope.
The bill, which would have reversed part of Oregon Ballot Measure 18, passed in the House of Representatives before dying in a senate committee.
A large money supply decline was anticipated, reversing part of the $27.1 billion increase in the previous three weeks.
Two days after that game, the same teams reversed part of that pattern, the Marlins losing a four-run lead before rallying to win by a run.
Keeping the average detention period as low as 9.1 months would almost certainly mean reversing at least part of the course that the legislature charted last year.
Finding i and j, and reversing part of the cycle, can all be accomplished in time O(n).
"If we allow terrorism to undermine our freedom of action, we could reverse at least part of the palpable gains achieved by postwar globalization," he said.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision, but on rehearing en banc, reversed part of its decision.
But they hope people won't remember that in the face of those deficits, Mr. Reagan raised taxes, reversing part of his initial tax cut.