Since the 1990s there has been a reverse trend of rebuilding or converting industrial buildings for residential use including some large apartment blocks.
He said the crossover effect has crossed over again: "Now there's a strong reverse trend to residentialize the office."
More than a century later, a reverse trend among the nation's department stores is clearly under way.
Yet the league has come under increased scrutiny of late because it has actually seen a reverse trend at the head-coaching level.
Then the reverse trend will occur, and purses will become smaller as responsibilities do the same.
Perhaps people who work in group settings where some hand is always out can start a reverse trend: Limit forced-march giving to $2.
In 2007 the reverse trend was the case.
Now, thought Baley, things might take a reverse trend.
The reverse trend accelerates when trade winds are at their weakest, usually in the spring.
This reverse trend would not last long.