The lab must have made a mistake, switched the charts, because sterility, the doctor said, is not a reversible condition.
But this is a reversible condition.
Drug-induced lupus erythematosus is a (generally) reversible condition that usually occurs in people being treated for a long-term illness.
Patients with advance directives may want aggressive treatment for potentially reversible conditions.
Intoxication is a temporary and reversible condition that affects the central nervous system after a person ingests certain substances, such as alcohol or drugs.
It describes cerebral conditions, typically reversible, caused by sudden and sustained severe elevation of blood pressure.
Therefore, dementia symptoms require comprehensive evaluation, so as not to miss potentially reversible conditions.
Life and death are reversible conditions.
With the exception of heart failure caused by reversible conditions, the condition usually worsens with time.
Prompt medical attention is vital to treat potentially reversible conditions.