All physicians at UHC had a medical records number and were required to log in to review charts.
They were in the office, reviewing charts and assessing progress.
In its extensive investigation, state officials reviewed charts and interviewed hospital staff members, ultimately calling upon outside consultants to render judgment on the five cases.
He was also questioned by three Denver-area plastic surgeons from the program's consultant bank, each of whom had reviewed charts he submitted from his office.
He said he'd been reviewing charts of patients who'd been on the medulloblastoma protocol and who had been do- ing well.
He had reviewed endless charts and diagrams of a long and robust cylinder with a gold crown around the filter.
This strategy has the value investor reviewing his stocks balance sheets, market signals, and charts every couple months in order to buy more or sell.
Editors also review photographs, maps, charts or other graphics to be used with a story.
He was reviewing charts, his reading glasses perched on his nose.
"They reviewed old charts," he said, referring to the Health Department, which indeed cited cases going back several years.