The Times reviewed dozens of Bronx cases since 1989 in which a conviction was reversed at least in part because of prosecutorial misconduct or error.
Although practices vary state by state, most adoptions start with the birth mother reviewing dozens of photo-resume letters of prospective adoptive parents.
Dr. Goodrich said that, after reviewing dozens of cases, he became convinced last year that a series of operations would reduce the risk to the twins.
That was why deliberations took eight days and jurors asked to review dozens of documents.
Tonight, Russia was reported reviewing dozens of longstanding border grievances with its neighbors.
Arthur Marshall facetiously reviews dozens of schoolgirls books.
And, after many more months of reviewing dozens of blueprints, the President has still not chosen an architect, despite widespread speculation in the field.
Under the rules, a diocesan selection committee draws up the characteristics that it would like in a bishop and then reviews dozens or even hundreds of candidates.
Though the committee did not conduct original research, it reviewed dozens of earlier studies of aircraft air, finding most of them lacking in scientific rigor.
Justice Lutfi has begun reviewing dozens of such sentences, the news agency said.