While the reviews have mostly emphasized the funny parts, the film also turns out to be quite dark.
Both strategic reviews emphasized capabilities that would be retained but were light on what capabilities would be lost.
An American review the following year also emphasized the benefits of this method.
Many reviews emphasized that Averch's music sounded like a full rock band but he had created every sound himself.
His review clearly emphasizes the fact that this particular documentary has been blurred with many unnecessary artistic techniques that could have been avoided.
The review emphasized homosexuality as a form of consciousness and self-identity as opposed to a sexuality per se.
Positive reviews have emphasized the games' simple whimsy and innocent aesthetics and the creativity of the underlying concept.
Published in the North American Review, the review emphasized the poem as a record of a vanishing era.
A review in the December Monthly Visitor emphasized the "beautiful lines" starting with line 129 until the end.
Most reviews, both positive and negative, emphasized the originality and experimental, sometimes difficult nature of the music.