The review hearing was held on July 26, 1985, which Swain and his counsel were present at.
At the least, the review hearings are now supposed to follow the newly drawn standards, though no one is willing to speculate whether anything will change.
Testified at the 1995 review hearing.
At review hearings, he said in court, he tried to prove he had "a good attitude and didn't pose a threat."
At the post-conviction review hearings, new witnesses were called.
On my way to the review hearing I felt conflicted.
The state wins 95 percent of those cases, according to the attorney general's office, and even more of the annual review hearings that follow.
And at his last review hearing, he expected to become the first to be released.
It allows a convict who has served 25 years to petition a judge for a review hearing, Mr. Rabil said.
The judicial review hearing was scheduled for 20 January 2012.