Release gained charitable status in 1972, following a review of its activities by the Rowntree Foundation.
In 1824, a review of Smith's activities by the Colonial Office found evidence of misconduct.
The disclosures led the Treasury Department to ban Salomon from bidding for clients at the auctions until a review of its activities is completed.
He wrote more than 100 government and research reports, including a 25-year review of the mental health institute's activities, published in 1975.
Mr. Dormann also urged a review of the company's activities to "focus on a smaller number of businesses and make them grow."
Every year the Mercers' Company publishes an annual review of their activities.
The consultative process is a significant element of the Group's overall review of its activities in this area.
As the partnership evolves and grows there is a need for an on going review of its activities linked with new issues facing the school.
Strategy discussions and rosy reviews of the group's activities consumed much of the rest of the time.
The headquarters cooperated with a review of its activities.