It was another top 15 hit for Campbell which brought some of the best critical reviews of his career to date.
The 53-year-old Harris chuckles so warmly over this that you would be forgiven for thinking it was the best review of his career.
His review of Furtwangler's career is a study in moral compassion particularly remarkable for someone with so many reasons to feel vengeful.
By November 1978, Dylan had received some of the worst reviews of his career.
"Caine has gotten the best reviews of his career," he said.
Music critics gave the album praise and some of the highest reviews of her career.
The book has arrived to some of the best reviews of Rice's career.
The album received some of the best reviews of Carpenter's career.
A review of Einstein's career and accomplishments, written for the lay public.
The Coens received some of the most lukewarm reviews of their career in response to this movie.