The mostly brutal reviews prompted the producer to examine carefully all the problems and take dramatic action to fix them.
The mixed reviews prompted ongoing discussions of the play's merit, continuing well after the first night.
This review prompted the first time I've thought I would actually be interested in purchasing and wasting massive amounts of my life playing this game.
But favorable reviews of "Freeing the Whales" prompted enough interest to expand the printing to 15,000 copies.
A good review in both can prompt the stores to file larger advance orders.
The review prompted criticism when it was launched in May, with politicians expressing concerns that it would divert resources from other crime victims.
With some surprising and striking exceptions, negative reviews prompt even less direct response from restaurateurs and chefs.
The review prompted the studio to withdraw its ads from Variety.
Excellent reviews prompted a move to Broadway.
Few would confuse the students at Public School 84 with food critics, but their reviews of the cafeteria are prompting changes.