Still, he predicted that any lawyers who have worked for Enron and were involved in reviewing partnerships and other questionable financial transactions could be vulnerable to lawsuits.
Skandia hired a team of outside investigators to review compensation, accounting and transactions between the parent and its life insurance arm in April.
He said that an oversight committee, led by a former Indonesian finance minister, would review major transactions.
Enterprises that use yield management periodically review transactions for goods or services already supplied and for goods or services to be supplied in the future.
The auditors review transactions and examine financial practices, and when all goes well, they pronounce the organization fiscally sound.
Interpublic, the giant advertising group, postponed its earnings release for a week to give it time to review transactions among its subsidiaries in Europe.
They have in-house compliance departments to carefully review transactions and, most importantly, they are backed by institutional funds.
GAO's employees reviewed individual financial transactions by checking expenditure vouchers.
The company, which is cooperating with the investigation, has, at the request of the S.E.C., indicated its willingness to hire a forensic accountant to review transactions.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. disclosed that it was reviewing various transactions, including the sale of assets and businesses, to reduce its heavy debt load.