A review of the investigations has uncovered several previously undisclosed charges - so far unproved - involving the contras as well as investigations that had not been known.
Republican leaders and President Clinton are to meet at the White House on Friday to see whether today's review uncovered any common ground.
A review by Sir Thomas Legg uncovered further monies over-claimed by Smith making a total of £1,429 which Smith later returned.
Last month, the I.R.S. reported that a preliminary review had uncovered such improper practices at one of the agency's 33 districts.
Finally, NASA proposed many other changes after its own review uncovered new areas of concern.
"If this review uncovers substantial problems," a memorandum stated, "it would be recommended that additional thought be given to proceeding with the appeal."
I am disappointed to report that the financial review we initiated in April has uncovered some negative surprises.
A review of plant parameters did not uncover any precursor indicators before the accident nor were there any special operations that could have caused the pipe rupture.
But city officials said that their preliminary review of this case uncovered no abuse or neglect complaints against the Cokers.
"A preliminary review of the incident uncovered no evidence that the device had been used improperly," Mr. Browne said.