The Pentagon announced earlier this month that it will revise its guidelines for carrying out the policy.
The division might then consider revising its international anti-monopoly guidelines.
Within two months, he said, the association will set up two committees to study quality control measures, with an eye to revising its guidelines.
If the commission revises its guidelines to physicians, it will be, in part, because some members have been bothered by a few large-scale studies.
The association is part of a coalition that is pushing the Justice Department to revise its guidelines.
More important, your suggestion that the commission be denied authority to revise its guidelines periodically is severely misguided.
The study points to the need to revise current guidelines, Dr. Lamas said in an interview.
The issue arose because Japan and the United States are revising guidelines about military cooperation.
The WHO is going to revise its guidelines at its meeting in October.
Torre believes the league should revise its guidelines for suspensions and said: "I like to think the league would use common sense.