The 2001 revision requires that at least 5 percent of the renewable energy projects must generate electricity from solar energy.
However, there will be a transitional period to give companies time to accommodate the revisions, as the revisions may require changes to validated databases.
Clearly, these proposed revisions require a common-sensical balancing of interests and a full measure of public accountability and oversight.
The revisions required a new environmental impact study, which was certified as complete this month, triggering the public six-month land-use review.
The new revisions aimed to restrict all narcotics, including cannabis, as poisons, limit their sale to pharmacies, and require doctor's prescriptions.
In California, both constitutional amendments and revisions require that a majority of voters approve the ballot initiative.
With a computer, revision didn't require retyping an entire page to make half a dozen changes.
But it seems the suggested revisions would certainly require more than the $6.1 billion appropriated for Chapter 1 in fiscal year 1992 and 1993.
In accordance with the provisions of the drug control treaties, the revisions instituted by the Protocol did not require ratification to enter into force.
In addition, the proposed revisions don't require any hardware changes and only minor software changes that are relatively easy to make.