And since the question of whether homosexuality is innate is politically charged, the new findings will very likely revive discussion of the issue.
This was a reference to the newspaper reports that circulated here last year reviving discussion of a 1972 automobile accident in which three people, including Mr. Masur's former wife, lost their lives.
Officials familiar with the peace initiative say the mediators will continue their struggle to revive discussion of a comprehensive settlement to the region's problems.
Krugman has done much to revive discussion of the liquidity trap as a topic in economics.
It sat in relative silence until 2008, when bills were introduced in the Minnesota State Legislature to potentially revive discussion.
The chief's departure revives discussion of merging the 4,000-officer transit force and the 2,000-officer housing force with the 30,000-officer regular force.
The deaths have revived discussion on whether prohibition is doing more harm than good and whether it should be relaxed if not scrapped in the state.
Invoking Keynesian tones, the report said the time was ripe to "revive discussion about demand management."
The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have also revived discussion of reversing the United States' 25-year ban on using covert agents to assassinate foreigners.
Russia, in turn, has promised to greatly increase oil shipments to China by rail and has revived discussion of a pipeline to Daqing after earlier arguing that the project made little economic sense.