Bond prices generally decline on economic strength, which can revive fears of inflation.
The new trouble revived earlier fears of a conference collapse that could bring trade wars and a general worldwide economic decline.
Many analysts believe that the report will show strong job growth, which could revive fears of inflation.
The episode could revive old fears that the secret agency is a sort of high-tech Big Brother.
Unemployment and inflation levels began to rise in the early 1970s, reviving fears of an economic recession.
The new contemplated changes seem to have revived these memories and fears, even 50 years after the fact.
But the figures did not revive serious fears of recession.
Several other indicators had pointed recently to a step-up in economic activity, again reviving fears of a price acceleration.
But more recently, investors seem to perceive it as rebounding strongly enough to revive fears of inflation.
The reports pointed to unexpectedly robust growth, reviving fears of accelerating inflation.