Meanwhile, some State Department officials complained that the speech had complicated their efforts to revive negotiations.
The American rejection of the statement may be regarded as a blow to Yasir Arafat's campaign to revive stalled negotiations.
As an intermediary, Mr. Teitelbaum revived negotiations several times after one side or the other balked.
And he used his nephew to revive negotiations with the Reagan Administration after the first middleman in the arms-for-hostages deal was discredited.
Officials said he would have the same message for all - the time has come to revive direct Arab-Israeli negotiations.
We call on the United States and the international community to use the committee's recommendations as the basis for reviving serious negotiations toward a permanent agreement.
That is clear from a new Israeli proposal that suffers from a shortage of all three ingredients required to revive negotiations with the Palestinians.
The lawsuit's biggest fallout, hence, may be political - undermining efforts to revive negotiations on a constitution.
What happened to revive negotiations?
But by the time he takes over in January, his challenge may be to revive negotiations in a state of serious decline.