The incident has revived questions about supervision on the midnight shift, which has long been a problem shift for police managers.
But the testimony on Thursday revived nagging questions about the dimensions of the conspiracy.
It has revived questions about how far the Government may go in combating acts of terrorism.
But recent glitches in Virginia and Florida have revived questions about how to recount a computerized vote after a close or suspicious election.
Still, it seemed likely to revive questions about airport security, not only for passenger jetliners but also for small, general aviation aircraft.
The departures could revive questions about Mr. Ashcroft's own future.
But the episode has revived questions about whether Credit Suisse's banking controls are sufficient to spot money from unsavory sources.
The suit revives questions about John Hancock at a time when it is planning a public stock offering.
The vote is likely to revive questions about government assessments of farmers to pay for ads aimed at stimulating sales of agricultural products among consumers.
The study revives questions that were raised 20 years ago about the safety of food cured with nitrites.