After the Oslo accords, the Clinton Administration revived covert ties and intelligence training.
Yet, new technologies have been enlisted in part to exploit modernity's perceived benefits and, in part, to revive old ties between rulers and ruled.
In 1992 it got 5 million, and half of that was acquired by reviving direct ties to cotton-growing associations in Uzbekistan that were willing to sell the cotton they produced above the republic's quota.
Nixon will forever be revered here for reviving ties between the United States and the once isolated China.
Instead Mr. Perry revived military ties to Pakistan and India.
Moving to revive diplomatic and economic ties with the West, Iran named an Ambassador to France today and welcomed a group of British legislators for talks in Teheran this week.
But with the collapse of Communism, Eastern European countries are opening to the West, and the Western Europeans are busily reviving age-old ties based on traditional trade routes and cultural affinities.
A8 Iran sought to revive ties with the West by appointing an Ambassador to France and welcoming a group of British legislators for talks in Teheran this week.
Critics of the plan to revive ties say America's past training of Indonesian troops did little to prevent the widespread abuses, in particular those that accompanied the secession of East Timor from the country three years ago.
Only Syria, Libya and Lebanon have not revived diplomatic ties.