The provisional government almost immediately found itself sharing power with a new revolutionary assembly, the Petrograd Soviet.
The letter demanded that the hegumen dissemble the revolutionary assembly or the monastery would be destroyed by Ottoman troops.
A common form of African post-coup government is the revolutionary assembly, a quasi-legislative body elected by the army.
In republican theory, every MP elected in Ireland was a member of this revolutionary assembly.
He successfully defended them in front of the Jacobin Club and the revolutionary national assembly.
Frederick William refused the offer on the grounds that revolutionary assemblies could not grant royal titles.
When New Jersey formed a revolutionary assembly (or provincial congress) in 1776 he was elected to it and served as its Vice President.
They organised the meeting of a revolutionary assembly in Konstanz on 14 April 1848.
He served in the local militia, and as a representative in 1775 to the state's revolutionary assembly, the Annapolis Convention.
Nathaniel was elected to New Hampshire's revolutionary assembly in 1776.