First, Soldaderas, or camp followers, were large groups of females that travelled with revolutionary militias.
After the beginning of the Civil War, the revolutionary militias imprisoned and killed him.
Circumstances have shown that its effectiveness has been far below the potential of a revolutionary militia.
And on the streets below, a revolutionary militia had thrown up roadblocks to halt cars.
Shortly after taking power, Castro also created a revolutionary militia to expand his power base among the former rebels and the supportive population.
In the December 1905 the whole district was taken over by revolutionary militias; government troops had to bring in artillery to subdue the revolt.
Other men, some in regular army uniforms and others in the ragtag clothing of the revolutionary militia, lay sleeping alongside the tanks.
Soilih created the 'Moissy', a young revolutionary militia trained by Tanzanian military advisers.
At night, Brigade 2506 landed along the Bay of Pigs, getting into a firefight with a local revolutionary militia.
His son, the last of his name to be Master of Four Mile Tree, was a lieutenant in the revolutionary militia.