Street art is a visible reminder of the neightborhood's history and present as an often revolutionary and anti-capitalist tendency.
It should be noted that this fragment is of a wildly revolutionary tendency.
Many conservatives, including Hindenburg, felt uneasy with the storm troopers' demands, their lack of discipline and their revolutionary tendencies.
The new party identified itself as the 'revolutionary tendency' that had emerged out of MNRI.
After the Decembrist Revolt Glinka was suspected of revolutionary tendencies.
His last year he began full of optimism: the revolutionary tendencies rose, and social theme appeared in his poetry again.
As usual Bill sat next to the robots, good, solid fellows with built-in obsequiousness in spite of their revolutionary tendencies.
Through the 1980s the IST grew internationally, in part, as other revolutionary socialist tendencies entered into crisis thus removing competitors.
Zapata's influence continues to this day, particularly in revolutionary tendencies in south Mexico.
Shestov's dissertation prevented him from becoming a doctor of law, as it was dismissed on account of its revolutionary tendencies.