Nakor is an eclectic and eccentric character, with somewhat revolutionary views on energy, magic, and the "stuff" that makes up the universe.
Arrested by the Tsarist secret police for his revolutionary views, he served two years of political exile in Siberia.
Marxism encompasses an economic theory, a sociological theory, a philosophical method, and a revolutionary view of social change.
His views on this subject, germinating for some time, led to his revolutionary anarcho-syndicalist political views.
This informed and revolutionary view of Paul's thought will become one of the central books of modern scholarship on this subject.
"This revolutionary view," the Prestons write, "was at direct variance with accepted religious doctrine."
Ms. Stewart concluded that her client was named as a defendant in the case only because the authorities disliked his revolutionary political views.
Philosophers were suggesting entirely new moral systems to go with the revolutionary scientific views.
Many of his songs display revolutionary views as well as a dislike of political corruption.
In 1856 he publicly distanced himself from his former revolutionary views.