While copyright terms have increased significantly since the 1790 act, terms of patents have not been extended in parallel; patents adequately reward investment in the field with their mere 20-year term.
The purpose of the Ohio law, the appeal said, was "to reward intrastate investment," not to discriminate against any other state.
Imagine, for example, a tax code that would reward saving and investment, penalize consumption and protect the poor.
The Commerce Department could lead major new efforts to solve the crisis of skyrocketing medical costs facing small businesses; to create a tax code that rewards productivity-enhancing investment; to take high school dropouts and turn them into skilled workers.
A mostly hands-off, decentralized system rewarded personal skills, entrepreneurial investment and innovation.
But why not have a tax system that rewards socially beneficial investment (ie long term investment).
An investment tax credit only rewards new investment and research.
He is trying to persuade Congress and the American people to embrace his plan to reshape Social Security by adding private investment accounts and to create a new tax system that rewards more saving and investment.
The goal of tax reform should be to reward future investment.
Protection of intellectual property is of crucial importance, because IPR not only rewards investment in new products and services but also ensures the transfer of technology stimulating further innovation.