Kukoc was rewarded with the richest contract in franchise history during the off season.
Particularly bad is that some were rewarded for incompetence during the disaster.
The original game ends with the player preventing a coup against Emperor Palpatine and being personally rewarded during a large ceremony.
Each year, the most outstanding actions are rewarded during an awards ceremony in Brussels at the heart of the European institutions.
He was later rewarded the golden ball for the tournament due to his brilliant performances during the competition.
He has been amply rewarded prestigious awards for his excellent achievements and unparalleled services during this period.
Prof. Kong was rewarded many honors and awards during his life, including:
Cretaro's form was rewarded during the season when he was named Player of the Month for June 2009.
The player is rewarded with a powerful weapon, The Black Sword, during the test of Courage.
For example patients would be positively rewarded for periods with no seizures and negative rewards during seizures.