Social inequality and unfair distribution of wealth, are often attributed to capitalism and a pure free market is built upon a principle of rewarding effort.
The 4-0 lead that the grand slam staked them to was chiseled away, but a rare rewarding collective effort by the bullpen conspired to make it stand up.
This permitted libraries to undertake additional rewarding cooperative efforts to support resource sharing and expand access beyond an individual library.
The Republicans got concessions aimed at rewarding effort, including very modest community service requirements.
The other side doesn't - not really; they may say they do, but have you noticed how they cross their fingers when they talk about rewarding effort?
It is a remarkably rewarding effort.
One of our most rewarding efforts is finding homes for the homeless.
Land reclamation and the concentration on grains came at the expense of other crops, producing very expensive subsidised wheat while cutting more viable and economically rewarding efforts.
A. In your grandfather's day, planting peach pits and raising the seedlings to fruitful size was probably a rewarding effort.
The result was a neglect of the importance of rewarding effort and responsibility.