It must have been a difficult but wonderfully rewarding task.
You could take out the trash in that amount of time, a much more rewarding task than playing Yaris.
Shut the door on him and concentrate on the rewarding task of finding and cultivating a mixed group of friends.
Some compulsive bloggers take their obligation to extremes, blogging at the expense of more financially rewarding tasks.
The employer always assigned him the least rewarding tasks, such as supervising the maintenance menials.
Treating guide dogs for the blind has always seemed to me to be one of a veterinary surgeon's most rewarding tasks.
Repairing a garbage disposal is a simple and rewarding task that homeowners and renters alike should be prepared for.
That would be a rewarding task for both sides and would help us in many ways.
Here, too, we would have a rewarding joint task, which I warmly invite the Council to carry out.
One of the most rewarding yet challenging tasks of an Early Head Start home visitor is engaging families and gaining their trust.