It gave the best possible example that could be found for a rhetorical approach to the question of property.
On a number of key issues, his theory, which has become increasingly important among European social psychologists, addresses similar problems to the rhetorical approach.
However, they are necessary if the similarities between the rhetorical approach and the theory of social representations are to be demonstrated.
Above all, the rhetorical approach draws attention to the importance of the capacity to negate.
What the rhetorical approach points out is that such dialogue expresses the contrary themes of cultural and ideological life.
A rhetorical approach would point directly at the argumentative nature of racist discourse.
"Basically, it's a rhetorical approach at this point," the official said.
Arguing and Thinking: a rhetorical approach to social psychology, revised edition.
Aristotle was one of the first scholars to develop a rhetorical approach to genre.
Anyone who is led by this to expect a rhetorical, Rodinesque approach to the problem of serious thought will be badly let down.