"Their conceits, themes, ideas, imagery, words, and sometimes their rhetorical structure consistently and successively match like particulars in these daily readings".
The disruptive rhetorical structure in this case turns out to be the undecidability between inside and outside worlds within the figure of metaphor.
We have seen that de Man has insisted upon understanding the undoing of thematic patterns by rhetorical structures as something that the text does to itself.
Dunbar's work is known for its colorful language and a conversational tone, with a brilliant rhetorical structure.
This allows for the seamless formation of rhetorical structures allied to complex motivic transformations.
The author who is trying to present fact as objective sequence does well to eschew rhetorical structures in favour of judicious discussion.
One needs also to take into account implicit dimensions, for these are very much a part of the rhetorical structure of attitudes.
Bayley's rhetorical structure frequently oscillates between an interpretive perspective that is (sometimes in the same paragraph) both African and Western.
Its rhetorical structures enact a felt understanding of an interior spiritual state which illuminates the reader's imagination.
The symbol precedence view of mathematical development: A corpus analysis of the rhetorical structure of algebra textbooks.