It is considered to be one of the finest rhododendron gardens in Scotland.
This new group got permission from the Forest Commission to establish a rhododendron garden on a 20 ha site, in 1975 a further 20 ha was given.
It now includes a 19th century herb garden, a hosta garden, a wildflower garden, a butterfly garden and a rhododendron garden.
There are now 600 acres of rhododendron gardens, along with 850 acres of Fraser fir.
The park is the city's largest, and contains tennis courts, a meeting facility, trails, a canoe launch, and a rhododendron garden among other features.
He and Russell Matthews grasped the idea of creating a rhododendron garden at the slopes of Mt. Taranaki.
In the rhododendron garden is The Hullabaloo, a place for children to exercise their imagination and enter a world of fairies, giants and pirates.
Visitors to the rhododendron garden are now asked to keep dogs on leads, but they are welcome to exercise their dogs off leads in all other areas of Leith Hill.
Slightly giddy with privilege, she stumbled along a gravel path that wound through a rhododendron garden and led to the front steps of the mansion.
The grounds are noted for the wild rhododendron gardens, which are open to the public in summer and some of the oldest, planted in 1710, beech hedges.