Also the simplest rhythm for tambora, essentially rim-slap-rim-open, but sometimes played even simpler.
But from the way we walk to the beat of our hearts, rhythm plays a critical role in all of our lives.
In addition, biological rhythms play a crucial role in determining how awake or sleepy one feels.
Harmonic rhythm plays an important part in determining where a cadence occurs.
And it also represents what the wrangling experimentalists are doing with pop music, where rhythm plays a supreme role.
Some of the most striking changes, particularly in the first movement, are in orchestration, with some rhythms played twice as slow.
As usual in African music, rhythm plays an important part.
Morphology, semantic load, and rhythm all play a role.
Within a clause, rhythm also plays a role.
Andy understood the rhythms of editing and the important role music plays in telling a story.