"Don't Stop the Music" is a dance-pop and techno song that features a wide variety of rhythmic devices used mainly in hip hop music.
The song features a wide variety of rhythmic devices used mainly in hip hop music.
The verse section can be short, or expanded to feature the lead vocalist and/or carefully crafted melodies with clever rhythmic devices.
In other music, characteristic rhythmic and tonal devices - bent notes, blue notes, falling thirds - come through.
Each invention is carefully chosen and put aside; there is no overinvestment in any particular rhythmic, chordal or melodic device.
While the texture is mainly homophonic, a new rhythmic device is introduced when the choir sings "dispersit superbos".
In more modern verse, stressed assonance is frequently used as a rhythmic device in modern rap.
Another rhythmic device is repetition: here, for instance, the use of the different forms of the "show me" phrase.
Both very chorus-orientated with the guitars as the main rhythmic device and the keyboards tinkling over the top".
Instead of altering tempo, DeLio uses rhythmic devices to create effect within a constant pulse.