As in organa tripla, handling three voices (or four) precludes the kind of rhythmic freedom found in dupla.
To accommodate the rhythmic freedom, Franconian notation came to fruition, allowing shapes to characterize the length of a pitch.
When they turn to jazz-influenced styles, they assume that rhythmic swing means rhythmic freedom.
This nocturne has a rhythmic freedom that came to characterise Chopin's later work.
It describes the practice of playing with expressive and rhythmic freedom.
However, musicians also use rubato (rhythmic freedom), especially when playing music of a romantic nature.
Both had an awareness of a parallel avant-garde, which was using noise and rhythmic freedom.
Her blues tonalities and rhythmic freedom had never been so unbridled; her moans sounded like a recording of field hands.
Mr. Katz has a soft, round touch on the piano, and he plays with real rhythmic freedom.
Though he plays with generous rubato, his rhythmic freedom is allied to an intellectual grasp of structure, producing an involving creative tension.